Sunday, December 16, 2012

Back to School

Four of my 3 Jujur kids during their class party.

There are still 2 weeks before schools reopen for the 2013 session, but my school requires all its teachers to start working 2 weeks prior to that, which is starting from tomorrow. I know most teachers would despise this, but I am actually quite excited. I've had enough non-working days. I won't say a holiday because even though I didn't have to go to work, I don't get that much days off anyway. I have classes to attend and assignments to burn my midnight oil doing. So it wasn't really a holiday. In the next 2 weeks, hopefully tomorrow, I hope to know what tasks/responsibilities would I be assigned to in 2013 so that I can start planning. 

This year I was the Setiausaha HEM, a role I actually quite like. Partly because I'm used to doing paperwork and I have this sense of accomplishment when I am able to get stuff properly organised. Back in school, I was the secretary of virtually every club and organisation that I was in. The only club in which I wasn't the secretary was the Badminton Club. I was the Vice President. For next year, if I am appointed again as the Setiausaha HEM, I have a list if things that I want to make better. All the reports will have due dates that must be adhered to as I don't want to have to chase people asking for their reports. All the files will be properly organised and everything must be in place. Everything will be ready before the due dates set by PPD. Also, maybe the HEM Unit should have a blog? 

I was also the leader of the English Language Society, a role I think I didn't do too well. I managed to raise RM200 through selling Teacher's Day card. I also set up a blog but I didn't update it regularly (so I don't tell people about it). Clubs and societies aren't given much focus at my school as we concentrate more on sports. So there were only a few club meetings that could be organised in 2012 and in most of the meetings we just play language games. There wasn't any field trip organised, even though this was part of my plan. So next year if I'm still in charge of the club, I want to set a list of attainable goals and work hard to achieve them by the end of the year. The blog will be improved and regularly updated. Members will be more involved in club activities and there will definitely be at least one field trip.

I was one of the AJK Bilik Guru. I had an informal discussion with our leader and we can see some improvement that could be done to the room but in the end nothing happens. We were too occupied with our bigger responsibilities and had been putting things on hold until the end of the year. Next year, whoever in charge of Bilik Guru should make it a more inspiring place. Teachers should feel at home and highly motivated all the time. It's not that the Bilik Guru is a bad place to be. It is a comfortable place but it's nice to see some changes every now and then. Oh, and I'm thinking of buying a new refrigerator so maybe I can donate the old refrigerator to the Bilik Guru - if, of course, there is a space to put it. 

I hope I won't be a class teacher next year. The only thing I love about being a class teacher is being able to decorate the class and organise activities for the students. I hate it when last minute work is given and unfortunately for class teachers, this happens regularly. Otherwise I would love to be a class teacher. If I am appointed as a class teacher, I will make the classroom as comfortable as it can. I will repaint the class (with of course, the permission from the GB) with colours that stimulate learning and I will make sure the furniture is in excellent condition. All students' desks will have covers to prevent vandalism, which is not a nice sight. Students will rotate their seats weekly so that no particular students will have the disadvantage of sitting at the back of the class all year round. Incentives for full attendance will be given on a monthly basis, as I did back in 2011, when I was the class teacher of 4 Usaha. Wait, I do hope to be a class teacher. 

Well, that's all for now. I have a lot more things to write but I think I have bored you enough. I know these are all easier said than done, but there's nothing wrong in being a little ambitious. Thank you for taking some time to read this. Please comment below and share your thoughts.  


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